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Original Doujinshi $8

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Go Down Swinging, Round One

Story by Jesse, Art by Rah. 23 pages.
The first of a four-volume miniseries. Once upon a time, there was a young biker named Gibb (just Gibb) who liked to pick fights in bars... it was bound to get him into real trouble eventually. PG: language, shounen-ai... and drinking, fighting, damage to public property, attitude problems, leather pants, and a messy apartment.

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Go Down Swinging, Round Two

Story by Jesse, Art by Rah. 30 pages.
In volume two, a girl with a gun isn't afraid of Bai, Gibb's pet kid isn't afraid of Bai, and Gibb's kung-fu lesson goes all Sharks-and-Jets alla sudden... and that's just for starters.

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Go Down Swinging, Round Three

Story by Jesse, Art by Rah. 25 pages.
Volume Three is here! Juniper loves it when a plan comes together. Gibb's ass is numb. Bai overlooks one small detail. And somebody is in biiiiig trouble.

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Metanoia Extra: Target Down

Story and lineart by Jesse, cover and shading by Rah. 16 pages.
This story takes place between the Prologue and Chapter One. Ever wonder how Star and Milo got together? This hot little volume shows their first meeting. OVER 18 ONLY, PLEASE! This story contains graphic sex and violence.